Stargate Garden
Healing Center
Energetic Therapy, Hypnosis and Medical Intuition

Lori Thayer, Ph.D.
Quantum Energy Healer / Medical Intuitive / Shamanic Healer / Hypnosis Practitioner / Channeler / Spiritual Counselor
Lori Thayer, Ph.D. began studying reiki and energy healing in the mid-1990s, followed by trainings in shamanic healing, spiritual counseling, metaphysics, channeling, hypnotherapy, and medical intuition. In 2009, Lori received her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst upon completion of her dissertation, entitled “The Adoption of Shamanic Healing into the Biomedical Health Care System in the United States.” In 2014, Lori opened her practice, Stargate Garden Healing Center, to offer in-person and remote healing sessions that combine her varied skills to support a client’s healing at the soul level.
Interdimensional Energy Healing
$150.00 -
Introspective Hypnosis
$300.00 -
Medical Intuitive Healing
$100.00 – $250.00
If you’re ready to go more deeply within, heal the past, find your purpose, and move forward with your gifts, these sessions may be for you.
"I have suffered from neurological problems ever since I got meningitis 7 years ago and Lori’s sessions have done more good for me than what doctors have prescribed in the past. Her healing sessions have made a big difference physically, emotionally and spiritually. They have not only helped healing my body but they have provided me with precious spiritual insight and understanding that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. Thank you Lori for the light you have bridged into my life. I am forever grateful."
Carolina M., Montreal (QC), Canada
I have yet to see a healer like Lori who is so gifted and connected to the soul. The session with Lori was mind blowing and so beautiful, it's very hard to explain until you schedule one for yourself. She goes in to the depth of our soul to check the blockages that are creating trauma in our present life. She is extremely intuitive and also channeled messages from my mom which was such a blessing and it was truly very special. I would recommend Lori to anyone who needs guidance and support in their lives. She is very affectionate, kind, good hearted and one of the best healers I have ever met. Lori is truly gifted and I cannot thank her enough for what she does for humanity and for giving me hope just when I had given up!
Jessica, Arizona
Lori offers a gentle approach to introducing the power of energy and its ability to heal, restore and connect with your mind, body and soul. Whether you would like to explore past lives, open up energy centers in your body, heal past wounds or present pains, Lori has the ability to help you through all these things. My first experience with Lori was with hypnosis and in that one session I left, lighter, happier, safer, and truly without burden of my childhood trauma. I continue with the Interdeminsional Energy sessions with Lori to reset my energy when I feel off, tired and distracted. She often has important information passed along to me from my spirit guides that helps with making decisions with my career and family. Often the messages she passes along will manifest in some nature. Lori is truly gifted, professional and compassionate.
Sunshine - Brunswick, Maine
Meeting Lori was truly a blessing. I met her with a group of healers and was immediately drawn to her gentle unassuming manner. I had previously been made aware of a situation that I found uncomfortable because of the terms surrounding it. She immediately reframed it in terms that resonated with me. The energy healing session was wonderful. She addressed the issue we had discussed and several others that I hadn't mentioned. Her insights brought both clarity and focus for future personal work. I have noticed that since our work many doors to greater understanding are now available to me. I have a much deeper understanding of the work I am attempting to create and many insights into how to do it. Lori is truly a gifted and genuine healer.
Rose Dykstra
My first session with Lori was an unexpected gift. Her energy work helped me find more peace and balance within myself, while her shamanic insights invigorated my pursuit of several long-term goals. After the one session I feel energized, and my mind, body, and spirit feel more in tune with the beauty of the universe and my purpose within it. Greg H. Cape Elizabeth, ME
Greg H.
Lori is a true healer and a gift! I have had energy sessions with people around the globe but Lori has a unique connection with the spirit world. Her open heartedness, gentle soft voice and clear crystal energy uplift the body, mind and spirit. Her sessions go deep to the core of my soul and provide instant access to pure light. I highly recommend her sessions. Melissa Boyd, Kennebunk, Maine